Deconstruction dose not mean ‘Demolition’ it means ‘ breaking down’ or to analyse something to discover its true meaning. In Deconstructing Prayer , it looks at why believer’s prayers seem to go unanswered. It addresses and answers difficult questions we wrestle with about Faith, sin and unbelief. Are these the only reason why we don’t see answers or is there another reason why.
​It seeks to separate the wheat from the tears by exposing dangerous doctrines of men that are killing the body of Christ. It explains the Dark Knight of the Soul that believers don’t realise they are going through. Causing some to fall away from the Faith, confused and broken with no help from the church

What You will learn

Discernment of Spirits 

What types of spirits like to manifest as the Holy Spirit. Understand what you are really fighting with and how to over come it.

Deep Understanding

Understand how Faith really works, and what Christ said about Faith. How sickness manifests and why you can’t find healing .

Spiritural Warfare

How to do spiritual warfare using the book of Psalms and the whole armour of God.

Spiritual Cleansing 

Learn how to cleans yourself, your family , home and sacred space. Using forgotten techniques of the Christian tradition.