Deconstruction dose not mean ‘Demolition’ it means ‘ breaking down’ or to analyse something to discover its true meaning. In Deconstructing Prayer , it looks at why believer’s prayers seem to go unanswered. It addresses and answers difficult questions we wrestle with about Faith, sin and unbelief. Are these the only reason why we don’t see answers or is there another reason why.
​It seeks to separate the wheat from the tears by exposing dangerous doctrines of men that are killing the body of Christ. It explains the Dark Knight of the Soul that believers don’t realise they are going through. Causing some to fall away from the Faith, confused and broken with no help from the church

What You will learn

Discernment of Spirits 

What types of spirits like to manifest as the Holy Spirit. Understand what you are really fighting with and how to over come it.

Deep Understanding

Understand how Faith really works, and what Christ said about Faith. How sickness manifests and why you can’t find healing .

Spiritural Warfare

How to do spiritual warfare using the book of Psalms and the whole armour of God.

Spiritual Cleansing 

Learn how to cleans yourself, your family , home and sacred space. Using forgotten techniques of the Christian tradition.

Read a Free excerpt

Introduction  ……………………………………………………….. 3

  1. Finding and Praying God’s Will …………………………. 9
  2. All you can Ask, Hope and Think. ……………………. 17
    Ask  ……………………………………………………………… 23
    ‘You are doing it to yourself’  ………………………….. 26
    Hope and Think …………………………………………….. 34
  3. A measure of Faith.  ……………………………………….. 43
  4. Spiritual Warfare ……………………………………………. 55
    Power of the Psalms ……………………………………….. 56
    Thought Forms ………………………………………………. 64
    Elemental Spirits ……………………………………………. 72
    Spiritual parasites and unclean spirits ……………….. 78
    The Whole Armour ………………………………………… 80
  5. Healing the Sick …………………………………………….. 87
  6. Spiritual Cleansing  ………………………………………. 101
    Spiritual Cleansing Bath ……………………………….. 114
    Cleansing your home or Sacred Space ……………. 118
    How to use the Psalms …………………………………. 123
    The Beatific Vision ……………………………………… 127
    “We Shall See Him As He Is. ………………………… 129

  7. All you can Ask, Hope and Think.
    Jesus talked a lot about prayer, and we know he often spent
    all night praying. So, we know it is something that is
    important to him and to our life. It is even written that he
    ever intercedes for us and prays for the ones who will
    come to him because of our faith. John 17:1-26 NKJV. I’m
    sure by now you understand a little about prayer, you have
    heard sermons and read books. You have your own list of
    answered prayers, I also know you have a list of
    unanswered prayers which is probably longer. So, prayer
    is something we all wrestle with, have experience with and
    know something about. When I first came to the Lord and
    learned that we can pray and ask God for help with
    everything in our lives, every area. I was so amazed and
    happy because I had always relied on myself and never
    asked anybody for help. So, to have God, the Lord of the
    Universe on my side to help was so amazing. I would pray
    for everything, pray for everyone and I had no doubt that
    my Father heard me. I had such a conversion that turned
    my life around, how could I not believe it!
    So, you can imagine how stunned I was one day, when a
    seasoned believer said ‘I was on my honeymoon period,
    and it would pass’. I was so shocked she could think like

    that, how could she say such a thing? How did she lose
    her zeal? Little did I know that years later I would be so
    unsure of praying and filled with doubt myself, I lost my
    zeal! I honestly told the Lord; I don’t know if I can ever
    believe again in prayer as I once did. Everything I knew
    was so shaken; I didn’t think I could build my most holy
    faith back up again. I was still walking with my Lord and
    loved God. Where could I go? For he is The Way, The
    Truth and The Light. Nothing, not even the worst season
    in my life, a seven-year season, could turn me away from
    this Light. For the Light shone in the darkness and I
    comprehended it.

Back in my early rebirth days, I tell you, I would’ve laid
hands on the dead and expected them to rise. ‘God would
provide’ was my motto, ‘God is able’ I would declare
without a shadow of doubt. I can say I was even a bit
boastful about it. A typical new convert shouting from the
rooftops. I did see miraculous things happen for sure,
healings in my life and friends. Every situation turned
around; nothing happened that prayer didn’t answer. I was
fully persuaded, God is love, God is real and answers
prayers period. So, what happened?
When I went through my dark knight things looked very
different, my prayers didn’t seem to get answered the way
they used to. I felt like the lights went out and God stopped
listening. I looked and felt smitten and afflicted by God,
abandoned, even forsaken. I was even so ashamed to say I
was a child of God for fear of people laughing at the state
of my life. How can you say you are in the Light when
your life looks like this (is what I imagined people would
and were saying, and some questioned for sure)
Acquaintances who lived in all manner of ways, followers
of all different spiritual paths, we’re so happy and
flourishing. But my life was a mess. What did I do? What
went wrong? Sickness came in and this time I couldn’t
rebuke it away like before, poverty surrounded me, and I
couldn’t understand why God did not provide for me and
my family. I became so discouraged and confused.
Nothing could change or stop what was unfolding. No
amount of praying, fasting, quoting scripture at it. I
couldn’t even enter the doors of churches because I just
couldn’t play happy go lucky Christian anymore. Plus, it
wasn’t helping. The only advice was surrender to God’s
Will or its God’s will for you to be here. You’re in sin, just
believe and listen to happy sermons. Think positively, it’s
the devil, just rebuke it, cast it out and plead the blood. On
and on it went and nothing worked. I did all I knew to do
but this didn’t sit right with me. What I was going through,
I could not believe that this was God’s Wills for me and
my family. My Divine parents would not do this to me.
What I was experiencing went against everything Jesus
came to deliver us from. So, what was it?
I was unable to find anyone who was able to speak to what
was happening to me or even help me. In fact they made
me feel worse. The only thing I had was prayer and a
willing heart to know the truth. It was time to batten down
the hatches and go into the secret place. I knew there was
something wrong and I was going to find out what it was.
Because I knew this wasn’t God’s will for me or my family.
I had to find out why this was happening.

Dearly beloved if I am talking to you right now, if you
know the darkness, fear and anxiety I’m talking about. The
confusion. Feeling utterly abandoned, you’re doing all
they told you to do. You just can’t find the answer. You
are reading book after book, listening to sermon after
sermon. It’s all frivolous and fluff and none of it works.
You don’t need another 21 days of this prayer or this
program or even this bible study. You need real answers
and real solutions.
I hope in the next few chapters you will find the answers
to what is happening to you and get free. I will ask you to
have an open mind from here on out when reading. I want
you to think about what I’m saying and look back on your
own life. You have a history with the Divine, take
inventory and examine your walk now and before you
came to the Light. Your prayers, your thoughts, actions
now and before. This will play a very important role in
your freedom and understanding. The fact that you are
here with me now, I believe you are ready to come to
understand and take responsibility for your life, your life
in Christ.

There are a few things I must get you to do. I want you to
stop listening to all your favourite preachers for a while,
(it hasn’t helped so far, so what do you have to lose?) you
need to be able to hear for yourself and see what the Lord
is going to show you. You really need to come away for a
while. Take a breath and get your footing again. Examine
what you believe and what you know to be true. You need
to learn how to hear his voice again. I think we got caught
up in a frenzy and became “Charismaniacs” (as I heard
one preacher call it) We lost sight of who we are and what
our walk with the Lord is all about. Too many programs
and doctrines of men. Get-healed-quick schemes with
high rates of return for a small investment of time and
money. People running out and about for the Lord with no
clue what they are really doing with no training. No
understanding of who they are. No grounding in Christ.
No Inner healing. Searching for their Significance in
Doing instead of Being. As I have said, our walk is not
about going out and bringing the world to Christ. I know
this may come as a shock to hearing me say this. Because
I know you have heard this every moment of your walk
from every preacher, God saved you so you can go and
bring the lost in. Dear unknown friend this is the Holy
Spirit’s job and there are people anointed to do this, gifted.
Again, I know this is hard for you to hear but please
believe me. Your Transformation into the likeness of
Christ is what’s most important right now, you must
receive and walk in the fullness of Christ first. What profit
is it if you gain the whole world for Christ but lose your
soul? When the time comes you have no oil on your lamp?
I know you’re probably thinking of a verse:

2 Timothy 4:5 Do the work of an evangelist.
This is just a small segment of a verse, and we base our
whole walk on this, everything we do and say revolves
around this. That verse also said endure afflictions, do we
make that the focus of our sermons, conversations, and
daily activity? No. Do you see what I mean? For
everything there is a season and a time for every matter
under heaven… Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 NKJV A lot of
Believers are forever learning and never able to come to
the knowledge of the truth. Let’s go on a journey beloved
and put aside childish things, so we can grow up in Christ
and take responsibility for ourselves and our God given
creative powers.

But the anointing which ye have received of him abided in
you, and you need not that any man teaches you: but as
the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth,
and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide
in him. 1 John 2:27 NKJV

Jesus entered Jerusalem… And on the morrow, when
they were come from Bethany, he was hungry: And
seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply
he might find anything thereon: and when he came to it,
he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not
yet. And Jesus answered and said unto it, no man eat fruit
of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it… And
in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree
dried up from the roots. And Peter calling to remembrance
saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou
cursed is withered away. And Jesus answering saith unto
them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, that
whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou
removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not
doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which
he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he
saith. Mark 11.KJV
Verily I say unto you, if you have faith as a grain of
mustard seed, ye shall say unto the mountain, remove
hence to yonder place and it shall remove, and nothing
shall be impossible unto you. Matthew 17:20 KJV
The apostles said unto Jesus, Lord increase our faith, and
he said If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you
might say unto the sycamine tree be thou plucked up by
the root and be thou planted in the sea, and it should obey
you. Luke 17:5-6 KJV

Have you ever heard the saying ‘they were asking for it’?
I’m sure you have. Well Jesus was telling the twelve that
all they had to do was say to the tree be moved or ask the
tree to move. It would obey you. He is not telling them to
pray to the Father in heaven or to say, ‘In Jesus Name’ but
‘You Say’ and ‘You Ask’. This might seem strange to you,
but you can speak to things, for everything is living in the
Natural World and that includes you. Your speech has
power. You can speak life or death; you have the power.
I’m sure you have heard this preached to you but just in
case you say I’m getting all New Age, here are your
The book of Proverbs:

21:23 He who guards his mouth and his tongue,
Guards his soul from troubles.

18:6-7 A fool’s lips bring strife, and his mouth calls for
A fool’s mouth is his ruin, and his lips are the snare of his
18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and
they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

13:3 He that kept his mouth kept his life: but he that
opened wide his lips shall have destruction.

12:18 There is that Spaeth like the piercings of a sword:
but the tongue of the wise is health.

The book of Isaiah:
55:11 So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that
which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which
I sent it.

50:4 The Lord God has given Me the tongue of disciples,
That I may know how to sustain the weary one with a

Psalm 64:3 Who have sharpened their tongue like a
sword. They aimed bitter speech as their arrow.

Matthew 15:10 After Jesus called the crowd to Him, He
said to them, “Hear and understand. It is not what enters
the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of
the mouth, this defiles the man.

You, see? you have been doing this all your life. Before
you came to know the Lord, it was working in you, it’s still
working in you. Now I’m not talking about the popular
Name it and claim it doctrine here so just put that aside for
now. Even though there is a measure of truth in it, belief
is a part of this. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about
the things in your life that you don’t want. The things,
circumstances that ‘you are asking for’ things and
situations you are unaware of their origins. They are
showing up in your life and causing you great suffering
and hardship. This my friend is not Redemptive suffering,
it’s a different kind altogether. The kind that nothing seems
to be able to move. The power of negative speaking and
thinking! (But God is Sovereign and can use this for your
good) Beloved you have the divine power in you to speak
to anything and it should obey you. You don’t need to pray
to our Father. This is a kind of praying you do without you
even knowing it. Asking. Don’t think that it’s only prayer
when you sit down in a posture or tag the name of Jesus
on it. Whatever you Ask, Hope and Think. So, a lot of
hardship in your life you are ‘asked for it’. It’s not God
trying to deal with you or the devil attacking you. You are
asking every day for all sorts of things that are coming into
your life.
‘You are doing it to yourself’
So, first things first, you must understand this one thing
moving forward and that is: You are doing this to yourself.
Stop right here and look at ‘that thing’ in your life right
now that isn’t moving and say ‘I am doing this to myself.
Selah. I know you’re probably saying, I didn’t ask for this
sickness or hardship in my life. Are you crazy? Who
would ask for such a thing? Exactly, who knowingly
would ask!
If you look at what is happening and be very honest, look
back even a few years and you will see how you brought
this thing into your life. You were unconscious of it at the
time, you were unaware. If you are honest with yourself,
you will see. You said this, you’ve always said this. You
also think about it a lot. But I didn’t mean it! I was joking.
It doesn’t matter beloved, the more spiritual you become
the more you must guard your mouth and your thoughts.
Therefore, Paul gave this advice:

Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever
things are honourable, whatever things are right,
whatever things are pure, whatever things are pleasing,
whatever things are commendable, if there is any
excellence of character and if anything, praiseworthy,
think about these things. And the things which you have
learned and received and heard about and seen in me,
practice these things, and the God of peace will be with
you. Philippians 4:8-9
Romans 8:5-6 For those who live according to the flesh
set their mind /thoughts on the things of the flesh, but
those who live according to the Spirit set their
minds/thoughts on the things of the Spirit. For to set the
mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit
is life and peace.

2 Corinthians 10:5… take every thought captive to obey

Romans 12:12 Do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing
you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and
acceptable and perfect.

Ok, let’s test and discern if this ‘Thing’ is the will of God.
Is it good, acceptable, and Perfect? Or does it go against
all God’s promises? If yes, then you need to renew your
mind / thinking. Think over what I say, for the Lord will
give you understanding in everything. If you are thinking
it, you are speaking it.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,
plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and
a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

We are made in the likeness of God; we can speak worlds
into existence. Now the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
have been protecting you and delivering you out of these
crazy things you have created. But the time has come
when they will no longer leave you unconscious to your
asking. You must learn and take control, if you are to be
trusted with the power of the Holy Spirit. I have much to
tell you, but you can’t bear it, Jesus said but now it’s
time. This is a hard truth, I know. I had to learn it as well.
This is something you will have to really ponder and
search your heart to see the truth of it. But if you can
receive it, it will set you free ‘Selah’
You will see how you are creating your own suffering. In
your own imagination, deep from within your
subconscious mind comes your own creations. You are so
far removed from yourself, that you don’t recognize they
are coming from you. If you would get to know yourself
and see all those unbalanced forces within you. You would
know, its unbalanced forces that are but evil.
There is a suffering unto purification, when we are tried as
gold is tried. This is the purification of the soul. But most
of the time we are experiencing our own self sabotaging
desires. We are not cursed but following a pattern that was
instilled in us at a very young age. It doesn’t always have
to be negative. Some people were conditioned in a
beautiful way, and seem to sail smoothly through life, as
if favoured and highly blessed. These people believe the
Universe is a friendly place. That God is good and all
loving. Be it unto you according as you believe. “For as he
thinketh in his heart, so is he.” But most of us are dealing
with negative thoughts and speech habits. Negative ideas
of the World, of the Self and your future. It comes from
our woundedness and our fear. When these unconscious
speaking and thoughts manifest in our lives we are usually
shocked, taken back and look for all sorts of reasons
outside of ourselves as to the cause. Because Cause and
Effect has a time delay, therefore it can be hard to find the
cause of an event without deep investigation within.
We know it is God’s will for you to become fully awake
and aware, to do what you love and bring you joy. That
you will come to the knowledge of yourself, all of
yourself. The hidden inward parts, the ones that lurk in the
shadows. To understand the mechanisms of the mind and
how you are creating (praying) all the time. Just mostly in
the negative. Remember Jesus said whatsoever you Ask,
Hope or Think. So, speaking and asking are forms of
prayer and we don’t need to ask the Father or Jesus to do
this for Us. Remember the story of the woman with the
issue of blood.

Mark 5:27 -30 When she heard about Jesus, she came
up in the crowd behind him and touched his cloak, for she
was saying (to herself) “If I touch just his clothing, I will be
healed!”  And immediately her haemorrhage stopped, and
she realised in her body that she was healed of her
suffering. And immediately Jesus, perceiving in himself
that power had gone out from himself, turned around in
the crowd and said, “Who touched my clothing?”

Jesus didn’t answer that prayer in the way we know prayer
to be answered. He perceived power had gone out from
him. The Father didn’t answer it either. Now can you
imagine the intensity within her when she said this to
herself. Now think of areas in your life where you say to
yourself with just as much intensity things that pertain to
death? really stop right now and seriously look at it.
What’s happening with you right now that is very painful?
if you are honest, you will see you said this, you are always
saying this. You need to stop. The Lord has kept you and
delivered you from all sorts of stuff, we can’t even imagine
the things that want to manifest in our lives daily but, there
is a but, he will let this manifest so you can see and learn
what YOU are doing to yourself. Not him, Not the Father,
not even the devil is doing this. This is the reason it won’t
go away. If you are finding it hard to accept this truth, just
stop a while. Take a walk-in nature if you can and let the
Holy Spirit show you where it comes from and how it is
working on you. This is not to condemn you, dear
unknown friend. Know the truth and the truth will set you
free, the truth about yourself. We not only do this to
ourselves, but we do it to our kids, friends, and family
members. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. If
you genuinely want to be a minister of God you must
accept this truth, that you are doing this to yourself.

Before we move on, I really want you to sit with this truth
for a while. Beloved you really must shut out all the noise
from your life. All the other voices that we listen to all day.
(Not your kids etc) Shut down everything, it will all be
there when you get back and trust me you won’t miss
anything. Nothing will fall apart if you’re not there, in fact
your life is falling apart because you are not there at the
centre of yourself. I am going to give you some helpful
suggestions, ones I know work as I have used them. Only
listen to instrumental music for a while, I would even
suggest listening to 432Hz sounds (432 Hz tuning releases
trapped energy and takes you into a beautiful state, where
relaxation is natural) Cancel all activities, except the
everyday family stuff. Just tell folks you are taking some
time out; they don’t have to know why. If they are
respectful and healthy relationships, they will understand.
(If you are in the dark night, you probably don’t have
many left) Close down all social media apps, yes!
Especially any preacher apps. I truly believe you have
heard enough word for the day. Come away for a while
with your Beloved, he is calling you sister. It is time to do
the deep inner work. Trust that you can hear your Lord,
the Holy Spirit will lead you, and show you the areas that
need to be examined. I personally will advise some, if not
all, to get some counselling or psychological help during
this time. Really be open to the Holy Spirit, our great
counsellor and comforter and you will be led to the right
We are on a very deep spiritual journey; a very powerful
and profound transformation is happening within you.
One that leads us back to our humanity, that retrieves our
Souls and ultimately transforms us into the image of
Christ. It’s a journey of a lifetime and one that takes place
within us. It’s not out there somewhere, the Kingdom of
God is within you. We must take the journey within, there
is no other way to get there, we must walk through the dark
corridors of our mind and open the doors that are shut that
keep the Light out. It won’t be easy or painless, but it will
be worth it, oh so worth it dear sister and brother.,
Weeping may endure for a night… the long dark night of
the soul. It is not something modern popular Christianity
promotes from its pulpit. It’s not something you can
rebuke away or pray away. It is part of the disciple’s
journey, and we are not alone on it, we have a great cloud
of witness, ministering angels and the Lord by our side,
for he sticks closer than a brother. Our elder brother has
taken the journey and can guide us on our way. So do not
fear little ones for it is the Fathers good pleasure to give
you the Kingdom.
‘’Never give up prayer, and should you find dryness and
difficulty, persevere in it for this very reason. God often
desires to see what love your soul has, and love is not
tried by ease and satisfaction.’’
John of the Cross
“Trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to
be.” Teresa of Avila

Hope and Think

Now we will look at Hoping and thinking or intend, except
all equate. This also is a form of prayer. When Jesus was
talking about belief, he wasn’t talking about believing in
Himself or the Father, but You are believing. If You
believe, be it unto You according as You believe. It’s You
who is doing the believing, using that measure of Faith
that the Father has given all humankind.
To believe is to have faith, faith that whatever you say, set
your heart to do and whatever you imagine or think to do,
it shall come to pass. You have heard it said ‘thoughts are
things ‘Well there is truth in this. Remember Jesus said
whatsoever you say, believing, you shall have it. We
believe all sorts of things that are harmful to us and a lot
of times we don’t believe the good can come so easily to
us. We have a hard time believing that we are heard when
we pray. And have more faith in the negative, we may say
something positive, and faith filled with our mouth but
believe in our heart something different. If you believe you
are in the midst of the dark night right now. You feel you
are in the wilderness of your soul. A dry and barren place,
where darkness abides, then you are in the Dark Night.
Beloved, it is a privilege to be here, believe me.

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so
great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight,
and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run
with patience the race that is set before us.
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith,
who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,
despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of
the throne of God. For consider him that endured such
contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be weary
and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto
blood, striving against sin. And ye have forgotten the
exhortation which Spaeth unto you as unto children, my
son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint
when thou art rebuked of him: For whom the Lord loveth
he chastened, and scourged every son whom he
received. If ye endure chastening, God dealt with you as
with sons; for what son is he whom the father chastened
not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are
partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons… Now all
discipline seems for the moment not to be joyful but
painful, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of
righteousness for those who are trained by it. Hebrew 12
When you come out and you will, even though in the
middle of that night it feels like it will never end. You will
be a different person, a lot more enlightened and freer
within. Now in this place it seems like your prayers are
not being heard and this is very troubling. You are praying
and fasting for this darkness to be lifted, you are doing all
that you were taught. Rebuking the devil, tithing, reading
your bible and praying. What’s wrong, am I in sin? Your
friends will probably tell you; you are. Or usually, that
you don’t have faith, just plead the blood and believe. Dear
friend, as you know by now this is not working. Why?
Because it is not God or the Devil doing this to you. The
Spirit of the Lord has set up boundaries around you in this
place and hermetically sealed you. You will not be getting
out anytime soon. Please take a deep breath right now…
this could take 3, 7 or 10 years to pass through. I know you
don’t want to hear this; I owe you the truth. It can depend
on how much needs to be brought to the light from within
and how open you are for the change. It took me 7 years.
Dear unknown friend, I tell you I would never want to go
through that again, but I wouldn’t change or lose a day of
it. I would however change how I went through it, by not
kicking and screaming. At least now you can understand
what I didn’t know, so you can go through it a bit more
smoothly than I did.
What is really happening right now is that you are meeting
your deep inner creator. Your shadow, who has that
measure of Faith at its disposal. This is the part of you,
that even though you are praying for your best, moving
forward with great plans, and believing in God’s promises
for your life. This inside of you is hindering you,
sabotaging you. This part of you is more in touch with that
Divine force of Faith. Therefore, you may want something
with your conscious mind, your logical mind but this side
won’t let it happen. Here is where all your true hidden
beliefs are. You are sealed. You can’t pray away what
you’re going through, you can’t seem to move house or get
a new job. You’re stuck, hedged in. The Spirit isn’t going
to let you go until you understand the inner workings of
your mind and the Universal Mind, the Mind of God.
You will learn how you can stop creating the suffering you
are experiencing and bringing upon others. Know that we
have a High Priest, a great counsellor who will guide us
through to the other side. Have you found your life to be
one big paradox? you are living your dream and a
nightmare at the same time. You might have dealt with a
lot of things in your life. Overcome addictions, afflictions,
gotten free from abusive relationships. You might have
finally found what it is you love and want to spend the rest
of your life doing. Then bang, someone turned the lights
off and all hell broke loose in your life, By the grace of
God, all you have imagined has come upon you. It has
come at once, a quick work. Things that might have taken
years to manifest are now showing up in rapid fire. As
soon as you are done with one another shows up. You
probably have dealt with a measure of your flesh. You
probably have been crucifying your flesh, purifying
yourself. Working on those outward issues. Now Dearly
Beloved, you are going to be placed in the tomb. After
Yeshua was crucified, he was buried and descended into
Hell to conquer Death, Hell and the Grave. We don’t think
much about this, we tend to talk of his crucifixion and
Resurrection but not about the time He spent in Hell.
Taking Captivity Captive. Liberating us from the effects
of sin and the Fall. This dearly beloved is what is
happening within you. You must descend and take
captivity Captive. As it is written:

Casting down imaginations and every high thing that
exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing
into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2
Corinthians 10:5 

It is these unconscious thoughts and actions that create a
tremendous amount of suffering in your life. You must
find the cause and effect in everything. The Spirit will lead
you and guide you. I mention once again, some may need
to seek professional help at this time. A psychotherapist or
counsellor to help you navigate these murky
waters. Know this one thing, it is people who have made
significant progress on the path of return that enter this
stage, so be of good cheer sister you are still in the Light.

In order to fully enter the things that you were created for
you must deal with these powerful destructive forces
within yourself. These thoughts you are unaware of, the
things you are hoping for or fear. Worry is a form of
thinking about the worst possible outcome. You expect
things to go wrong more than you hope for the good. You
are just not aware of your own mind. Test this out and at
random times stop and ask yourself what you were
thinking of and see if you can recall. If your mood
changes, look at what thought just came into your mind.
We can be so passive when it comes to our mind and our
thinking. I will talk later about Thought Forms as this will
give you a good understanding of how we create suffering
in our own life’s. Problems you are causing that keep
sabotaging and alienating you from life, joy, prosperity,
healing and the peace of God. It’s you that keeps you from
the Kingdom. I understand powers of Darkness exist,
please, once again, don’t get me wrong. We will look at
them later. But for the most part of your life, it’s your own
thoughts and beliefs that afflict you. Your Vain
imaginations not God or the Devil. For whatever a man
thinketh in his heart, he is, he will be and sooner or later
he will have. This is the power that works through the
measure of Faith that all men have. If it can be conceived
it can be achieved, for nothing will be restrained from
them, whether good or evil.
Once you have taken captive these negative thoughts for
you must do this work. This cannot be done for you; they
cannot be rebuked away. People cannot lay hands on you
to remove them, you must take hold of them and allow
Yeshua to heal the broken and fearful inward parts of
yourself. After this work is done, your creations will no
longer cause you suffering or keep you from all that Christ
came to give you. You will hopefully, Lord willing enter
Resurrection life. As it is written:

Whatever things are true, whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure and lovely. Whatsoever things
are of good report if there be any virtue and praise in
them, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 KJV (For
surely, they shall come to pass.)

The Holy Spirit will lead you, please be open minded at
this stage as there are many people out there who can help
you. Once you have understanding and the Light shines on
the problem, that my friend is half the battle. You do have
the victory, yours is the victorious life. You must walk that
out, for the Kingdom of heaven suffered violence and the
violent take it by force. It comes through prayer, surrender
and understanding. Know the truth and the truth will set
you free, the truth about yourself and the nature of reality.
                    By Hephzibah